Something happened last night
Last night I found something I hadn’t seen in years.
Something that helped me create the life I have today.
Money in the bank, security and a well paid job online that I love.
The friends and partner I want and some other blessings.
That ‘thing’ is a little note pad where I wrote down some goals years ago.
It wrote down exactly what I wanted and then…forgot about it.
The notepad somehow found its way to it a hiding spot behind a set of drawers.
Just last night-I found it and leafed through its pages and found some goals from 2009 I had written down
…about 90% of what’s on that page…is here in my life today.
Pretty cool hey?
Morale of the story?
Write down your goals somewhere. And take action to achieve those goals today.
Take some action towards the goals every day.
But wait- there’s more.
None of that stuff would be in my life today unless I took the time to look into my subconscious mind and clear out the negative beliefs holding me back.
Negative beliefs kill attraction stone dead.
I had to remove them to let success come into my life.
Those negative beliefs are lurking in your subconscious mind right now-calling the shots and controlling your life.
Don’t let them rob you of what is rightfully yours.
Clear them out today.
Inside the abundant life club-we do just that.
You get a different subconscious recording every week designed to clear out those beliefs and clear the path to achieving your goals.
Starting achieving your goals today.
To your success