Discover how to ‘Re-wire’ Your Mind Into A ‘Manifestation Magnet’...Every Time You Close Your Eyes To Sleep in the next 28 days...

  • ....Harness the hidden power of sleep to manifest more in your life today
  • ...Boost your income in your sleeping hours- OVERNIGHT.
  • ...Attract abundance in love or health into your life while you dream.

Dear friend,

“If you’ve tried to manifest a new life and failed...and the law of attraction is just not working for you… struggled to attract anything, but a depressing lack of cash, I GUARANTEE this BRAND NEW concept of MANIFESTING WHILE YOU SLEEP has the power to multiply your capacity to…

Attract money… reveal hidden opportunities… and create a flood of wealth and financial prosperity rushing to YOUR door (faster and easier) than ANY other program.

Let me explain...

Manifesting while you sleep is the complete opposite to what most manifestation Gurus teach.
Yet, scientists at Harvard and other elite-level Universities have proven the ‘sleeping state’ is the perfect time to ‘RE-WIRE’ your mind to attract success.
I know it sounds almost too easy to really work...
But the most effective plans and strategies in life are often the most simple.
They are often the most contrary to what most people think might manifest their dream life.

I manifest while I sleep...

I manifested a new client while SLEEPING...

Who am I to help you reach your impossible dreams with Sleeping Manifestation…?

My name is Peter Brennan, and I’m a Belief Change Strategist, Life coach, and Manifestation Coach.

I’ve been featured in numerous articles and publications about manifestation.

I’ve helped hundreds of people grow and develop as manifesters.

Life was not always so great though.

In 2009…I Was Dead Broke...Until I Had A Light Bulb Moment!

I worked in recruitment for 9 years and one day…without warning …they just slammed the door shut and told all the employees to hit the bricks.

  • No more job
  • No more income
  • No more career

Have you ever got a nasty surprise and realized you need to act now in order to survive?

For the first time in my life…I found myself unemployed…broke and with bills mounting up. Other recruitment companies were looking for ‘hot shot’ 20 something’s to work for them…
Not some washed-up guy pushing 40.

I got turned down from one interview after another
These were dark times.

Ever Felt There Was No Light At The End Of Your Tunnel??

That’s how I felt.

  • Money was short.
  • Bills went unpaid.
  • Debtors were knocking down my door
  • I was desperate
  • I was alone
  • I had no clue where to turn

Now call it fate or just dumb luck-but one day things started to change...for the better…

I had…

A chance encounter with a ‘sleep manifesting Guru’…

His name was Warner Kurzt.
At first, I was nervous to approach him…but later that day I plucked up the courage, and said hello.
I found him surprisingly friendly.
As I got talking to him more and more over the day he told me...
“I had always tried ‘waking’ manifestation methods...until I discovered a NEW easier way to manifest” “Before I learned about sleeping manifestation, I had always practised affirmations, vision boards, and intention setting.”

Now don’t get me wrong…
All that works great but…”
“Knowing how to manifest while you sleep is way more powerful…here’s why…”

Warner explained…

The reason most people cannot manifest is that there have ‘unconscious blocks to manifestation’
You probably know that already.
Negative beliefs get in there as a child…from 1-7 years of age and wreak havoc in our lives.
Beliefs like ‘I’m not loveable’, ‘not worthy’ etc. can block any attempt to attract abundance.

And here’s the interesting part…

From the ages of 1-7 our Brains are in a ‘Theta Brain Wave State’
We are like sponges in that childlike Theta Brain Wave State... Absorbing EVERYTHING anyone tells us...Especially our caregivers.
This ‘theta brain wave state’ is super relaxed.
It’s super suggestible.
So those beliefs go right into our minds.
And then they set like cement.
They harden and form our lives for better or worse.
And these beliefs can be damn near impossible to shift.


You re-wire your negative ‘abundance blocking beliefs’ during sleep.

Here’s how it works...

During sleep, your brain goes back into a child-like ‘theta brain’ wave state...

In sleep-You are right back in that ‘child-like’ theta brain wave state once again.

And in that child-like ‘theta brain wave state’ …your brain is open to hearing new positive messages again and releasing past negative blocks to abundance.

This sleeping state is the best time to re-wire your brain to become a ‘Manifesting Magnet’.

Scientists call it ‘neuroplasticity’ or ‘flexibility’ of the brain to change and adapt or re-wire itself during SLEEP to attract better outcomes ...

Newsweek science writer Sharon Begley reported recently on how cutting-edge science reveals that, contrary to popular belief, we have the power to literally change our brains by changing our minds.

Recent pioneering experiments in ‘neuroplasticity’– demonstrating the ability of the brain to change in response to experience–reveal the brain is capable of altering its structure and function DURING SLEEP, and even of generating new neurons, a power we retain well into old age.

The brain can adapt, heal, renew itself after trauma, compensate for disabilities, rewire itself to overcome dyslexia, and break cycles of depression DURING SLEEP.After talking more with Warner and combining his experience with my own…I became more and more interested in manifesting while sleeping.

I spent months working with Warner to perfect the messages and theta wave signals that are most powerful for manifesting during sleep.

I worked with a top Sound Engineer on creating the hypnotic recordings in the Theta State that can alter your waking reality…bringing in more abundance and peace.

Thousands of hours and dollars later and…

‘Manifest While You Sleep’
Was Born!

Bruce Lipton explains how ‘Manifest While You Sleep’ works

‘Manifest while You Sleep’ is a cutting-edge recording that taps into your sleeping brain waves (theta waves) to remove limiting beliefs and create a new abundant mindset from the inside out.

It uses special hypnotic messages to tap into the theta brain wave state in seconds-and re-wire your thinking to attract whatever it is you’re dreaming of.

That could be:

  • Real spendable cash in your bank account.
  • A new gleaming car
  • A spacious new dream home
  • A loving connected relationship.
  • A healthy body where you turned back your body clock on aging 20 years or more.

The best part is…

‘Sleeping Manifestation’ is the EASIEST manifestation method you’ll ever find…

Forget vision boards and setting intentions and writing down goals for a second.

There is NOTHING easier than closing your eyes to sleep --to manifest what you want.

You will also…


When you are sleeping…you can also multiply your ability to manifest…because instead of just going to sleep like most manifesters do…

You can be using those precious sleeping hours to create an amazing life for yourself upon waking…attracting anything you want at will.

  • Step

    Settle down to go to sleep, whether for the night or even for a daytime nap.

  • Step

    Pop on the recording and listen to the relaxing music and messages in a theta brain wave state.

  • Step

    Simply let the ‘Manifest While You Sleep’ recording work with the theta brain wave state inside your mind…to gently release negative abundance blocking beliefs…and re-wire your brain for new more positive neural pathways. Then sit back and watch your new reality manifest in your life.

Consider what Manifesting While You Sleep is worth to you…

There is no limit on what you can manifest while you are sleeping

Need a cash windfall in the next 24 hours?

It’s more than possible when your mind is tuned into that new reality.

Need money for a medical bill or a tricky divorce?

Close your eyes and open to the possibility to let it happen for you.

People have used this type of technology to manifest

  • New income streams
  • New homes
  • New partners
  • New travel opportunities

The true value of ‘Manifest While You Sleep’ is not in the cost, but in the value You will gain by using it to turn your life around.

There is no way I can put a dollar value on what Manifest While You Sleep will do for you.

That’s why offering it at even $197 is such a fair price. You will get Back many, many times that quicker than you could imagine.

But here’s the best news.

When I was first starting out, I would have walked over broken glass to get this information.

I would have loved for someone to give me a helping hand by showing me sleeping manifesting methods.

It never happened though. And I could not afford anything like $197 at the time.

So in the interest of not making money a barrier for you here and because money is not a big deal for me anymore... (I just need to cover web hosting costs)...

As a special introductory (pre-release offer) it is available today for only a fraction of the cost:
Only $47

Manifest while you sleep

Just $47

I can’t tell you what an incredibly fair price this is. Especially when you consider I’ll be revealing to you my simple, step-by-step formula

For magnetizing your mind for riches, and finally creating the life you desire… all while you sleep.

There is a catch however…

For this price I want you to promise me that in 30 days you will email me to tell me about your success and Allow me to use your story to help others. Fair enough?

And don’t worry…

You also get a…

Better Than Risk-Free Guarantee

If you’re not convinced… beyond a shadow of a doubt… that Manifest while you sleep...

Is everything I say it is… a potently effective formula for manifesting Financial abundance in the shortest possible time, after trying it for A full 28 days, then I insist you email me, and I will immediately Refund you.

There will be no hard feelings and we can still be friends.

I trust these ‘Universe Laws’ of manifesting will work for you, so much so, you will find it Impossible to take me up on my guarantee.

Manifest while you sleep

Just $47

You need to act now…

‘Manifest While You Sleep’ is part of a much larger manifestation program that will be launched later this year.

So it will only be up for short time before I’m forced to take it down.

Don’t come back to this page later on to find this amazing offer gone.

Don’t do that yourself or your family.

Don’t make life much harder of yourself than it needs to be.

And believe me…

I know you may be skeptical...

After all…what I’m saying here is contrary to what you hear about waking manifesting methods all the time.

It’s contrary to what you hear your friends say.

But let me ask you this…

How many of them know anything about manifesting?

How many of them are wealthy?

A month from now you can be nothing but 30 days older.

…Or you can be on your way to manifesting a brand new life.

You decide…

Manifest while you sleep

Just $47

Ps- Act now and get these amazing new bonuses...worth $134

Manifest Your Soulmate While You Sleep (normal value $67)

Listen to this recording while you sleep and maximize your chances of meeting your soul mate in the next 28 days.

Health And Wealth Chakra Clearing (normal value $67)

A lot of blocks to abundance are in the Wealth chakra area. It’s connected with feelings of self worth. Once you clear this area –abundance is free to flow into your life.

Manifest while you sleep

Just $47